Text Alerts

Text Notifications are an optional subscription service that enables subscribers to connect to their library accounts via text message. Users can receive notifications, renew checked out items, and request information about their requests, checked out items, and late fees with this service.


text message alerts promotional image

How to Sign Up:

Text SIGNUP+your-14-digit-barcode+PIN to (833)-403-0701

      • As an example, a patron with the library card 123456789012345 and that had a PIN of 1234, they would write SIGNUP+123456789012345+1234 and text that to the (833)-403-0701 telephone number. The ‘plus’ signs need to be included between those three parts.

Text Alert Basics:

  • This option is supplemental. All library card holders will have email notifications or telephone call notifications depending on their personal preference. Receiving text alerts will come in addition to one of those. 
  • This is a free service offered to anyone registered at an Allegheny County public library. Depending on your cellular phone plan, additional per-message charges may be assessed by your carrier.
  • You can opt in or out of any of the following notice types by texting the associated keyword to (833)-403-0701: HOLDS, RENEW, OVERDUE, LATEFEE. 
  • To renew individual items by list, text keyword RL. To renew all checked out items, text keyword RA.

Further Options And Help:

  • We offer Tech Help sessions weekly if you would like to sit down with us and review how text message alerts work. You can check for Tech Help availability on our events calendar or call the reference desk at 724-449-2665 extension 25 to set up an appointment.
  • For the full description of what’s possible with the text alerts, go to Text Notifications FAQ (office.com) to see the range of options open to you.


an image of dialogue boxes used with text messaging or commenting