Hoopla Digital
Hoopla Digital has an enormous selection of digital video (movies and TV shows), music, audiobooks, Ebooks, magazines, and comics available to download or stream at any time regardless of other patrons having checked out the same material. For more details, see below.
Hoopla Basics:
- Hoopla requires making an account. After entering your library card number, you’ll have to use an email address and set a password to create your Hoopla Digital account.
- You can stream while online or download items for offline purposes.
- There are no holds! Everything is immediately available.
- There is a limit of 5 total items a month however. The binge pass Hoopla offers allows for access to more items per month, but it counts as one of the five items allowed monthly and has a pre-curated selection list to choose from, i.e., you cannot pick titles from outside that list.
- E-books and e-audiobooks have a 21 day loan period. Music titles can be borrowed for seven days. Movies and TV loans are for three days.
- Hoopla can be accessed through their website, https://www.hoopladigital.com/, or through their mobile app.
Hoopla Help:
- If you’d like to take a visual tour of Hoopla then check out their introduction video here: https://vimeo.com/500469522. Note: Hoopla content is available at all times for Allegheny Country public library patrons. The video mentions holds but that is now erroneous.
- We also offer Tech Help sessions weekly if you would like to sit down with us and review how Hoopla works. You can check for Tech Help availability on our events calendar webpage or call the reference desk at 724-449-2665 extension 25 to set up an appointment.