Book Donations
Each year, our patrons generously donate thousands of items to the library. Some are added to our collection, while others are sold at our annual book sale. Unfortunately, we receive many items that must be discarded due to their condition. Please make your donations count and follow these guidelines when donating items.
If you are donating more than five boxes, please call ahead: 724-449-2665.

We LOVE to see gently used:
Biographies & History Books
Children’s & Young Adult Books
DVDs, CDs, & Audiobooks
Fiction & Paperbacks
Gardening Books
General Non Fiction Books
Geography & Travel Books
The library is particularly interested in books with local historical significance as well as local high school yearbooks.
We DO NOT accept:
Business & Computer Books, Travel Guides, Diet & Health Books, Monthly Magazines that are more than a year old.
Do not donate the following:
Moldy, mildewed, or books without covers
Readers Digest Condensed Books
VHS Tapes
Cassette Tapes
Weekly Magazines
Incomplete Sets
Library Discards
As always, thank you for your donations and remember, they are tax-deductible!