The library has a wealth of resources to foster your education, further your research, and even some that will hone your skills and professional abilities!
Academic Help & Research
Tutor.com is exactly what you think it is but more. Besides offering live tutoring sessions, you are able to submit math problems and essays for review, take practice quizzes, study for placement tests, and get career coaching.
Create an account or login to tutor.com here
Seeking credible sources for your academic research? The Pennsylvania Power Library has a suite of scholarly databases amongst others. All available to you with your library card.
Click here for the PA Power Library
Language Learning
Whether you want to learn another language for travel, work, mental health, or something else entirely, the library has a few foreign language learning services at your disposal. Mango Languages and its version for kids, Little Pim, are our top choices, but we also can recommend Duolingo should their style “speak” more to you.
Create an account or login to Mango Languages here
Mango Language’s leading language teaching method designed just for children.
Little Pim’s interactive language program can be found here
Note: Duolingo and Transparent Language online are also available to library cardholders. Udemy has language learning courses too. All can be found at elibrary.einetwork.net.
Personal Interest & Professional Development
Udemy is a great video-based learning platform for people looking to add skills that will help them advance in their careers. Courses are available for both soft and hard skillsets.
Create an account or login to Udemy here
Ancestry.com Library Edition is an excellent research tool for our genealogists out there. For those interested, this database is only available for use on library computers.
Create an account or login to Ancestry.com here
Have something very important to buy? You’ll probably want to do some research before you purchasing or investing so scope out a few of the library’s resources first.
See our business related databases here (choose the ‘Consumer & Business’ tab)
Creativebug is an online collection of 1000+ crafting classes. Users can save favorite classes, receive personalized recommendations, and download patterns, templates, and recipes.
Get crafting and more with creativebug
eReference & More
We have over 75 databases at your fingertips provided by Northern Tier Library and the Allegheny County Library Association. There is something for everyone in that collection and all free to use with your library card. Check out our entire assortment of databases at elibrary.einetwork.net.