Holiday Auction & Boutique - 2023

Northern Tier Library with its annual holiday boutique sale items on display

Our annual Holiday Boutique is back with new decorated trees, gift baskets, tickets to cultural events, holiday décor, and more! All items in the Boutique can be won with the highest bid but the decorated trees may be purchased at a buy-it-now price.

The bidding timeline: bids are going to be accepted until Friday, December 8 at 5:00 PM for our decorated Christmas trees and until Saturday, December 16 at 5:00 PM for all the other Boutique raffle items. Winners are notified by phone on the following business day.

We thank you kindly for your interest and remember that all proceeds benefit the library!


Gift Baskets & Various Goodies

Bids Accepted until Saturday Dec. 16th at 5 PM

Tickets & Passes

Our Decorated Trees

Deadline has passed. Be on the lookout for next year for new and unique tree designs!

A Big Thank You to All Our Donors and Sponsors

This annual fundraiser is made possible thanks to their generosity.