New Children's & Young Adult Books – January 2025

Children's Books

Monster Locker      /   Aguirre, Jorge

Big Splash               /   Ahn, Angela

How Sweet the Sound     /   Alexander, Kwame

Puppet       /   Almond, David

Who Is Ariana Grande?   /   Anderson, Kirsten

L Is for Love           /   Atinuke

Fairy Tale Fan Club     /   Ayoade, Richard

Hap-Pea Valentine’s Day     /   Baker, Keith

Sea Legs     /   Bakes, Jules

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs     /   Barrett, Judi

Bard and the Book     /   Bausum, Ann

Sheepwrecked       /   Belote, Ashley

Enemy’s Daughter     /   Blankman, Anne

Revolutionary Mary     /   Blumenthal, Karen

Banana Bop!      /   Boynton, Sandra

Little Love Songs      /   Boynton, Sandra

Nitty-Gritty Grossology     /   Branzei, Sylvia

Bulldozer’s Big Rescue     /   Broach, Elise

Katy and the Big Snow Book and CD     /   Burton, Virginia Lee

Brianna Banana, Helper of the Day     /   Button, Lana

Twist, Tumble, Triumph     /   Cohen, Deborah Bodin

Chinese New Year Helper     /   Compestine, Ying Chang

It’s Watching     /   Currie, Lindsay

Jackson’s Wilder Adventures Vol. 1     /   Davidson, Sarah

DK Super Readers Level 1 Pokemon a New Journey     /   DK

DK Super Readers Level 1 Star Wars Princess Leia’s Adventures     /   DK

DK Super Readers Level 2 Pokemon Battle Buddies     /   DK

DK Super Readers Pre-Level Marvel Spidey and His Amazing Friends     /   DK

Gabby Torres Gets a Billion Followers     /   Dominguez, Angela

Lego Harry Potter Character Encyclopedia     /   Dowsett, Elizabeth

Out of My Dreams       /   Draper, Sharon M.

Out of My Mind     /   Draper, Sharon M.

Our Plastic Problem     /   Durnford, Megan

Crack Goes the Cascaron     /   Fajardo, Sara Andrea

Ava Lin, One of a Kind     /   Fang, Vicky

Moving Story      /   Ferry, Beth

Mixed-Up     /   Garcia, Kami

Investigators: Agents of S.U.I.T.: Wild Ghost Chase     /   Green, John Patrick

Popcorn          /   Harrell, Rob

Wild Brunch     /   Harrison, David L.

We’re Going on an Egg Hunt     /   Hawk, Goldie

Everything Is Grape!     /   Heim, Alastair

Lego Ninjago Character Encyclopedia     /   Hugo, Simon

Bravelands: Thunder on the Plains #3     /   Hunter, Erin

Warriors Graphic Novel: The Prophecies Begin #1     /   Hunter, Erin

Save the Pearl!     /   Huntley, Matt

How We Share Cake      /   Hyo-Eun, Kim

Mr. Muffins: Defender of the Stars     /   Kahn, Ben

Your Farm       /   Klassen, Jon

Your Forest     /   Klassen, Jon

Your Island      /   Klassen, Jon

It’s Hard to Be a Baby     /   Klein, Cheryl B.

Dive #1: The Discovery     /   Korman, Gordon

Dive #2: The Deep       /   Korman, Gordon

Dive #3: The Danger     /   Korman, Gordon

Old School         /   Korman, Gordon

Home Is a Wish          /   Kuo, Julia

Chickenpox              /   Lai, Remy

House with a Dragon in It     /   Lake, Nick

Very Bad at Math        /   Larson, Hope

Lego Marvel Character Encyclopedia     /   Last, Shari

Lego Ninjago Secret World of the Ninja     /   Last, Shari

Inkbound: Meticulous Jones and the Skull     /   Leathley, Philippa

Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe     /   Lewis, C. S.

Hugs for Pug         /   Long, Ethan

Eloise the Flame Dragon (Dragon Girls #1)     /   Mara, Maddy

No Purchase Necessary     /   Marianayagam, Maria

Rougarou Magic     /   Marsh, Rachel M.

Australia       /   McRobert, Lucy

Beautiful Game      /   Mendez, Yamile Saied

Spring Fever! (Disney Stitch)     /   Murphy, Virginia

Lumbering Giants of Windy Pines     /   Netz, Mo

5 Silly Easter Eggs     /   Oliver, Ilanit

Secrets of the Dead     /   Ralphs, Matt

Beacon of Hope: The Life of Barack Obama     /   Rappaport, Doreen

Snips: A Bad Buzz Day     /   Raul the Third

Tumblebaby       /   Rex, Adam

Maze of Bones (the 39 Clues, Book 1)     /   Riordan, Rick

Smell of Wet Dog: And Other Dog Poems     /   Saltzberg, Barney

Sam Squirrel        /   Selfors, Suzanne

Pizza and Taco: Coolest Club Ever!     /   Shaskan, Stephen

We Are Lion Dancers     /   Shum, Benson

Bunny’s Easter Basket     /   Smith, Danna

Creature of Habit Tries His Best     /   Smith, Jennifer E.

Piper Chen Sings        /   Soo, Phillipa

Temple of Secrets (Legends of Lotus Island)     /   Soontornvat, Christina

Math Mysteries: The Fall Festival Fiasco     /   Starmer, Aaron

Math Mysteries: The Triplet Threat     /   Starmer, Aaron

Stinetinglers 3: More Chilling Stories      /   Stine, R. L.

Gnome and Rat     /   Stohler, Lauren

Gnome and Rat: First Snow!     /   Stohler, Lauren

Gnome and Rat: Time to Party!     /   Stohler, Lauren

Take It from the Top     /   Swinarski, Claire

Eloise: Book and CD      /   Thompson, Kay

Sunday         /   Tolentino, Marcelo

I Quit            /   Tracy, Kristen

Be My Yummy ABC     /   Wan, Joyce

Good Golden Sun       /   Wenzel, Brendan

Cozy Winter Day        /   Wheeler, Eliza

Me and Other Bunnies     /   Willems, Mo

Copycat Conundrum (the Misfits)     /   Yee, Lisa

Giants’ Farm: A Quix Book     /   Yolen, Jane

Giants Go Camping: A Quix Book      /   Yolen, Jane

Giants’ Tree House: A Quix Book     /   Yolen, Jane

Giants’ Visitor: A Quix Book      /   Yolen, Jane

Amy Wu and the Lantern Festival      /   Zhang, Kat


Young Adult Books

Judgment of Yoyo Gold     /   Blum, Isaac

Mystery Royale       /   Cavalancia, Kaitlyn

Rebel Witch: The Crimson Moth: Book 2     /   Ciccarelli, Kristen

Not for the Faint of Heart     /   Croucher, Lex

Dreamover       /   Diaz, Dani

Don’t Let the Forest In     /   Drews, Cg

Truth, Lies, and the Questions in Between     /   Elliott, L. M.

History of Everything     /   Evans, Victoria

Scorpion Queen      /   Fears, Mina

After Life       /   Forman, Gayle

What the Woods Took      /   Gould, Courtney

We Are the Beasts       /   Griffis, Gigi

Brightwood Code         /   Hesse, Monica

Deathly Compendium of Poisonous Plants     /   Hirsch, Rebecca E.

Good Girl’s Guide to Murder     /   Jackson, Holly

Biology Lessons         /   Kantor, Melissa

No Place Left to Hide     /   Lally, Megan

Breath of the Dragon: Breathmarked      /   Lee, Fonda

Dark We Know         /   Lee, Wen-Yi

Dangerous Idea: The Scopes Trial     /   Levy, Debbie

I Am Not Jessica Chen     /   Liang, Ann

World Worth Saving      /   Lukoff, Kyle

Everything Is Poison     /   McCullough, Joy

This Is the Year        /   Muñoz, Gloria

Love on Paper        /   Parker, Danielle

Angel of Greenwood      /   Pink, Randi

Characters & Quests (Dungeons & Dragons)     /   Scherb, Sarra

Unboxing of a Black Girl     /   Shante, Angela

Suzume 3           /   Shinkai, Makoto

Dust             /   Stine, Alison

Hate U Give        /   Thomas, Angie

Honeysuckle and Bone     /   Tobias, Trisha

Dungeons and Dragons How Not to Get Eaten by Owlbears     /   Toole, Anne

Romantic Tragedies of a Drama King     /   Trevaldwyn, Harry

Song of a Blackbird      /   Van Lieshout, Maria

Safe Harbor        /   Venkatraman, Padma

Language of Dragons       /   Williamson, S. F.

Dungeons and Dragons the Legend of Drizzt     /   Witwer, Michael

Monsters & Creatures Compendium     /   Zub, Jim

Young Adventurer’s Collection Box Set 1      /   Zub, Jim

Young Adventurer’s Collection Box Set 2      /   Zub, Jim


To locate a book, please ask a librarian at 724-449-2665, Ext. 25