New Fiction – January 2025

Beg, Borrow, or Steal     /   Adams, Sarah

Dream Girl Drama        /   Bailey, Tessa

Not a Speck of Light      /   Barron, Laird

Woo Woo            /   Baxter, Ella

Mother of Rome          /   Bear, Lauren J. a.

Death of a Smuggler     /   Beaton, s. s.

Medici Return           /   Berry, Steve

Beautyland              /   Bertino, Marie-Helene

Sweet Fury              /   Bischoff, Sash

Havoc              /   Bollen, Christopher

Out of the Woods        /   Bonam-Young, Hannah

Battle Mountain         /   Box, C. J.

Year of Wonders         /   Brooks, Geraldine

Let’s Call a Truce      /   Buchanan, Amy

All the Water in the World   /   Caffall, Eiren

I’ll Look for You Everywhere   /   Capello, Cameron

Wake Up and Open Your Eyes   /   Chapman, Clay McLeod

Homeseeking    /   Chen, Karissa

Partners in Crime       /   Christie, Agatha

Seven Dials Mystery     /   Christie, Agatha

She’s Always Hungry     /   Clark, Eliza

With This Ring   /   Clipston, Amy

Cross My Heart          /   Collins, Megan

Nobody’s Hero           /   Craven, M. W.

Incident of the Book in the Nighttime      /   Delany, Vicki

Order of Swans    /   Deveraux, Jude

Mask of the Deer Woman     /   Dove, Laurie L.

Close-Up     /   Drysdale, Pip

She Doesn’t Have a Clue      /   Elder Moke, Jenny

I Cheerfully Refuse      /   Enger, Leif

You Dreamed of Empires     /   Enrigue, Ãlvaro

Heart of Winter         /   Evison, Jonathan

Three Lives of Cate Kay     /   Fagan, Kate

Favorites               /   Fargo, Layne

Indigo Heiress          /   Frantz, Laura

Business Trip           /   Garcia, Jessie

We Are Watching         /   Gaylin, Alison

Midnight Black          /   Greaney, Mark

How to Sleep at Night   /   Harris, Elizabeth

Queen of Fives          /   Hay, Alex

Deep End                /   Hazelwood, Ali

May the Wolf Die        /   Heider, Elizabeth

Into the Woods          /   Holiday, Jenny

Peculiar Garden of Harriet Hunt     /   Iversen, Chelsea

Last Twilight in Paris    /   Jenoff, Pam

Dark Hours    /   Jordan, Amy

English Problem         /   Kamlani, Beena

We Do Not Part          /   Kang, Han

Melancholy of Untold History   /   Kang, Minsoo

Dead Money              /   Kerr, Jakob

Night Guest             /   Knutsdottir, Hildur

Life Cycle of the Common Octopus     /   Knight, Emma

Last Room on the Left    /   Konen, Leah

Going Home              /   Lamont, Tom

What Happened to the McCrays?     /   Lange, Tracey

Lost House              /   Larsen, Melissa

Against the Grain       /   Lovesey, Peter

Serial Killer’s Guide to Marriage     /   MacKay, Asia

Work in Progress        /   MacKenzie, Kat

Famous Last Words       /   McAllister, Gillian

Wedding Dashers         /   McBreen, Heather

Crash               /   McFadden, Freida

Head Cases              /   McMahon, John

What Happened to Nina?     /   McTiernan, Dervla

Give Me Butterflies       /   Meadows, Jillian

Map of Bones            /   Mosse, Kate

Nobody’s Empire         /   Murdoch, Stuart

Harlem Rhapsody         /   Murray, Victoria Christopher

Playing Flirty          /   Patel, Shameez

Let’s Call Her Barbie     /   Rosen, Renee

Wind and Truth: Book Five    /   Sanderson, Brandon

To Save the Man         /   Sayles, John

Granddaughter           /   Schlink, Bernhard

Better Than Friends     /   Shalvis, Jill

Too Soon                /   Shamieh, Betty

Model Home              /   Solomon, Rivers

Abduction of a Slave    /   Stabenow, Dana

Blob: A Love Story      /   Su, Maggie

Grace of the Empire State     /   Tizzard, Gemma

Bright Objects          /   Todd, Ruby

Strange Pictures        /   Uketsu

Close Your Eyes and Count to 10     /   Unger, Lisa

Earl Crush          /   Vasti, Alexandra

Johnny Careless         /   Wade, Kevin

Winner              /   Wayne, Teddy

Return to Willow Lake     /   Wiggs, Susan

Beartooth             /   Wink, Callan



Country Proposals     /   Macomber, Debbie




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