New Children's & Young Adult Books – October 2023
Children's Books
Barb and the Battle for Bailiwick / Abdo, Dan
Nothing Else But Miracles / Albus, Kate
New Rooster / Alexander, Rilla
A Few Beautiful Minutes / Allen Fox, Kate
Whose Prints? / Allen, Kari
Greatest Kid in the World / Anderson, John David
Eerie Tales from the School of Screams / Annable, Graham
Something Like Home / Arango, Andrea Beatriz
From Shore to Ocean Floor / Arbuthnott, Gill
Acorn Was a Little Wild / Arena, Jen
Give / Arena, Jen
Champion Chompers, Super Stinkers and Other Poems / Ashman, Linda
I’m Going to Build a Snowman / Awan, Jashar
Cinderella–with Dogs! / Bailey, Linda
Thirst / Bajaj, Varsha
Georgia O’Keeffe / Balkan, Gabrielle
Ready, Set, Dough! / Baptist, Kelly J.
I’m Trying to Love Germs / Barton, Bethany
Welcome Home / Bates, Amy June
The Vanquishers (book 1) / Bayron, Kalynn
The Vanquishers: Secret of the Reaping (book 2) / Bayron, Kalynn
I Am Dog! / Bently, Peter
Look: A Tummy Time Book / Bishop, Gavin
Dragon Flames / Bitt, Nate
Cat on the Run in Cat of Death! / Blabey, Aaron
Sparks! Future Purrfect: A Graphic Novel / Boothby, Ian
Peekaboo Rex! / Boynton, Sandra
Nesting Dolls / Brantley-Newton, Vanessa
Waffles and Pancake: Best Friends Fur-Ever / Brockington, Drew
Bees of Notre-Dame / Browne, Meghan P.
I’m Gonna Paint: Ralph Fasanella, Artist / Broyles, Anne
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Sports / Buckley, James
Make Way for Butterfly / Burach, Ross
Sylvester’s Letter / Burgess, Matthew
Star Stuff / Burkert, Rand
Ice Bears at Ice Edge / Burleigh, Robert
Look What I Found at the Beach / Butterfield, Moira
Baby Bear’s Busy Day with Brown Bear / Carle, Eric
What Happened to You? / Catchpole, James
Super Boba Cafe (Book 1) / Chanani, Nidhi
Many Masks of Andy Zhou / Cheng, Jack
Abeni’s Song / Clark, P. Djeli
Roll, Chickens, Roll! / Clauss, Lauren
Super-Duper Magnet! / Clauss, Lauren
Season Most Unfair / Coats, J. Anderson
We Disagree about This Tree / Collins, Ross
Good Night, Little Fish / Cousins, Lucy
Brothers Zzli / Cousseau, Alex
Lawrence & Sophia / Cronin, Doreen
Tiny Jumper / Dahl, Candy
My Brother Is an Avocado / Darnton, Tracy
Harlem at Four / Datcher, Michael
Time to Go Potty! / Davies, Becky
Bridge Battle / Davies, Jacqueline
Llama Llama’s Little Lie / Dewdney, Anna
Puppets of Spelhorst / DiCamillo, Kate
Housecat Trouble: Lost and Found / Dickerson, Mason
Remarkable Rescue at Milkweed Meadow / Dimopoulos, Elaine
Magic Mixies: Castle Quest! / Domenici, Mickey
How to Ride a Dragonfly / Donohoe, Kitty
Kid’s Guide to Saving the Planet / Douglas, Paul
Coretta’s Journey / Duncan, Alice Faye
Don’t Blow Your Top! / Dyckman, Ame
Red & Green / Ehlert, Lois
At the Poles / Elliott, David
Eva in the Band: A Branches Book / Elliott, Rebecca
Glitter Bug: A Branches Book / Elliott, Rebecca
Bundle Up, Little Pup / Elys, Dori
Paws: Priya Puts Herself First / Fairbairn, Nathan
A Pie for Us!: An Acorn Book / Fang, Vicky
Dim Sum Palace / Fang, X.
Official Harry Potter Cookbook / Farrow, Joanna
Are You Mad at Me? / Feder, Tyler
Squeeze & Squeak: T. Rex Tries to Roar / Fischer, Maggie
Plague-Busters! / Fitzharris, Lindsey
Green Piano: How Little Me Found Music / Flack, Roberta
Counting in Dog Years and Other Sassy Math Poems / Franco, Betsy
Chip / Gastaldi, Federico
Anne Dares: Inspired by Anne of Green Gables / George, Kallie
Fungi Grow / Gianferrari, Maria
Vanderbeekers Ever After / Glaser, Karina Yan
How to Talk Like a Bear / Grandy, Charlie
Investigators: All Tide Up / Green, John Patrick
A Walk in the Woods / Grimes, Nikki
Winter: A Solstice Story / Gross, Kelsey E.
Listen to the Birds / Gueny, Yoann
Edgar Degas / Guglielmo, Amy
The Beatles Couldn’t Read Music? / Gutman, Dan
Lucille Ball Had No Eyebrows? / Gutman, Dan
Scientists Are Saving the World! / Gwinn, Saskia
Pineapple Princess / Hahn, Sabina
This Book Is Banned / Haldar, Raj
Batpig: Go Pig or Go Home / Harrell, Rob
Song After Song / Hedlund, Julie
My Cat Does Ballet / Heidbreder, Robert
Tumble / Hernandez Bergstrom, Adriana
Wrecker / Hiaasen, Carl
Bruce and the Legend of Soggy Hollow / Higgins, Ryan T.
Wishing Machine / Hillman, Jonathan
On the Tip of a Wave / Ho, Joanna
Hokusai / Hodge, Susie
Bears Are Best! / Holub, Joan
Cinderella and a Mouse Called Fred / Hopkinson, Deborah
Small Places, Close to Home / Hopkinson, Deborah
Pine Island Visitors / Horvath, Polly
Baby Alligator: Finger Puppet Book / Huang, Yu-Hsuan
Baby Mushroom: Finger Puppet Book / Huang, Yu-Hsuan
Baby Red Panda: Finger Puppet Book / Huang, Yu-Hsuan
Meet the Mutants! / Huntley, Matt
Doris / Jacoby, Sarah
Bear and Bird: The Stars and Other Stories / Jarvis
Just One Flake / Jonker, Travis
Don’t Worry, Wuddles / Judge, Lita
We Are Palestinian / Kassis, Reem
Moon’s Ramadan / Kazi, Natasha Khan
Make a Move, Sunny Park! / Kim, Jessica
Come and Join Us!: 18 Holidays Celebrate / Kleinrock, Liz
Uni and the 100 Treasures / Krouse Rosenthal, Amy
Kaboom! a Volcano Erupts / Kulekjian, Jessica
Squeeze ‘n’ Squeak: Kitty Wants to Play! / Laforest, Carine
Squeeze ‘n’ Squeak: Welcome to the Farm! / Laforest, Carine
Squeeze ‘n’ Squeak: Where Is Squeaky Bear? / Laforest, Carine
Squeeze ‘n’ Squeak: Wild Animals / Laforest, Carine
Power Up, Pups! (Paw Patrol) / Lagonegro, Melissa
Ghost Book / Lai, Remy
Mambo Rescue! / Lakin, Patricia
Scroll / Li, Hui
Spider Named Itsy / Light, Steve
ABCs of Baby’s Needs: A Sign Language Book / Little Bee Books
Our Underwater World / Lowell Gallion, Sue
Coral’s Reef Vol. 1 / Lumsdon, David
Clementine Fox and the Great Island Adventure / Luna, Leigh
Scaredy Cats / Mack, Jeff
She Persisted: Simone Biles / Magoon, Kekla
ASHA and the Toymaker / Mangal, Sakshi
Tomfoolery! / Markel, Michelle
Avengers: My Mighty Marvel First Book / Marvel Entertainment
Beulah Has a Hunch! / Mazeika, Katie
I Want 100 Dogs / McAnulty, Stacy
Just Because / McConaughey, Matthew
Family’s Dream (Disney/Pixar Elemental) / McCullough, Kathy
Baby Be / McGhee, Alison
Like a Charm / McNicoll, Elle
People Are Wild / Meganck, Margaux
Pumpkin Day at the Zoo / Meissner, Susan
Dream with the/Sueña con las Latinitas / Menendez, Juliet
Freddie the Flyer / Metcalfe-Chenail, Danielle
I Love My Magic! / Miller, Kelly Leigh
Curlfriends: New in Town / Miller, Sharee
Always Sisters: A Story of Loss and Love / Mir, Saira
Light Inside / Misdea, Dan
Stomp and Chomp: My First Book of Dinosaurs / Mole, Simon
Secret of Lillian Velvet / Moriarty, Jaclyn
Flubby Does Not Like Snow / Morris, J. E.
Lost Time / Mukanik, Tas
Stillwater and Koo Save the World / Muth, Jon J.
Charlotte the Ballerina: The True Story / Nebres, Charlotte
Zilot & Other Important Rhymes / Odenkirk, Bob
Little Books of the Little Brontes / O’Leary, Sara
Silverwing: The Graphic Novel / Oppel, Kenneth
Vivian Lantz’s Second Chances / Ormsbee, Kathryn
Saving Chupie / Ortiz, Amparo
Looking Up / Pastis, Stephan
Whale of a Time: Funny Poems / Peacock, Lou
Big Nate: Move It or Lose It!: Volume 29 / Peirce, Lincoln
All Are Welcome: Give What You Can / Penfold, Alexandra
Bluey: 12 Days of Christmas / Penguin Young Readers Licenses
Baby Shark: Luck of the Claw / Pinkfong
I Am Kavi / Ponweera, Thushanthi
Sejal Sinha Battles Superstorms / Prasad, Maya
Sejal Sinha Swims with Sea Dragons / Prasad, Maya
Only Way to Make Bread / Quintero, Cristina
The Power of Snow / Raczka, Robert
Batman’s Amazing Tales! (Lego Batman) / Random House
Trolls Band Together: Family Harmony / Random House
Disney/Pixar Elemental: The Graphic Novel / Random House Disney
Made from Stars (Disney Wish) / Random House Disney
Magic of Dreams! (Disney Wish) / Random House Disney
Loud and Proud / Ransome, Lesa
Ellen Takes Flight / Rappaport, Doreen
Story of Gumluck the Wizard / Rex, Adam
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods / Riordan, Rick
Barely Floating / Rivera, Lilliam
Bear’s Big Dreaming / Rosen, Michael
Fish and Worm / Ruzzier, Sergio
The Real Story / Ruzzier, Sergio
Grounded / Saeed, Aisha
Ice Cream Vanishes / Sarcone-Roach, Julia
Picture Day: (A Graphic Novel) / Sax, Sarah
Full Moon Pups / Scanlon, Liz Garton
Lucky Me / Schimel, Lawrence
¡Yo Sola! / By Myself! / Seeboruth, Sumana
Bhangra Baby / Sehgal, Kabir
Upside-Down Book of Sloths / Shreeve, Elizabeth
Weather Together / Sima, Jessie
Lion Queen: Rasila Vadher / Singh, Rina
Cat and Mice / Slier, Debby
Brave Little Bear / Small, Steve
Wildes: The Amazon / Smith, Roland
Wildes: The Vaquita / Smith, Roland
Do You Remember? / Smith, Sydney
One Smart Cookie: (A Graphic Novel) / Song, Mika
Mabuhay!: A Graphic Novel / Sterling, Zachary
Thank You, Moon / Stewart, Melissa
Bean the Stretchy Dragon: A Sally & Bean / Stocrate, Ari
Ethan and the Strays / Sullivan, John
Song of the Swan / Sutton, Karah
Hidden Truths / Swartz, Elly
Tokyo Night Parade / Takahashi, J. P.
I Survived the American Revolution, 1776 / Tarshis, Lauren
Dasher Can’t Wait for Christmas / Tavares, Matt
How to Eat in Space / Taylor, Helen
Bedtime Book of Incredible Questions / Thomas, Isabel
Problem Solved! / Thomas, Jan
Bright Star / Todd, Brandon
Lost Dog / Todd, Brandon
Treasure Map / Todd, Brandon
Game of Freedom / Tonatiuh, Duncan
Papa’s Magical Water-Jug Clock / Trejo, Jesus
Cultured Donuts: Take a Bite Out of Art / Tyler, Chloe
Clara Poole and the Long Way Round / Tyng, Taylor
This Is Not My Story / Uytdewilligen, Ryan
Mr. Whiskers and the Shenanigan Sisters / Van Draanen, Wendelin
Power of Yeti / Van Slyke, Rebecca
Young Teacher and the Great Serpent / Vasco, Irene
Lost Inside My Head / Vigg
Are We There Yet? / Volker, Sven
Boo-Boos of Bluebell Elementary / Wallace, Chelsea Lin
Pocket Peaches: Volume 1 / Wang, Dora
Elf on the Shelf: Meet the Scout Elves / West, Alexandra
Yetis Are the Worst! / Willan, Alex
West of the Sea / Willing, Stephanie
Snow Man: A True Story / Winter, Jonah
Ups and Downs: A Book of Emotions / Wohnoutka, Mike
Place Hand Here / Yamasaki, Katie
Nana and Me: Special Poems Just for Us / Yolen, Jane
Where Can We Go?: A Tale of Four Bears / Yun, Dai
When Rubin Plays / Zhang, Gracey
Gustav Is Missing!: A Tale of Friendship / Zuill, Andrea
Young Adult Books
All You Have to Do / Allen, Autumn
Blood Years / Arnold, Elana K.
Layers: A Memoir / Bagieu, Penelope
Unexpecting / Bailey, Jen
Scarlet Alchemist / Baker, Kylie Lee
Messenger: The Legend of Muhammad Ali / Bernardin, Marc
Champion of Fate / Blake, Kendare
Run and Hide: How Jewish Youth Escaped the Holocaust / Brown, Don
Of All Tribes: American Indians and Alcatraz / Bruchac, Joseph
Notes from a Sickbed / Brunton, Tessa
Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes / Collins, Suzanne
Mona Lisa Vanishes / Day, Nicholas
Forget Me Not / Derrick, Alyson
Last Girls Standing / Dugan, Jennifer
Sculptors of Light: Poems about Cuban Women Artists / Engle, Margarita
Icebreaker / Graziadei, A. L.
Where Darkness Blooms / Hannah, Andrea
My Father, the Panda Killer / Hoang, Jamie Jo
Beholder / La Sala, Ryan
In the Tunnel / Lee, Julie
Ryan and Avery / Levithan, David
Mexikid / Martin, Pedro
Have You Seen My Sister? / McKay, Kirsty
Unfamiliar 2: Volume 2 / Newsome, Haley
Hundred Vicious Turns / O’Brien, Lee Paige
Princess Princess Ever After / O’Neill, K.
Bittersweet in the Hollow / Pearsall, Kate
Lola at Last / Peterson, J. C.
Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things / Prasad, Maya
Wild Wishes and Windswept Kisses / Prasad, Maya
Boy You Always Wanted / Quach, Michelle
Rosewood Hunt / Reed, MacKenzie
Study in Drowning / Reid, Ava
I’d Rather Burn Than Bloom / Rogers, Shannon C. F.
Night Raven / Rundberg, Johan
Twenty-One / Rusch, Elizabeth
Learning to Be Wild / Safina, Carl
Shipwrecked! / Sandler, Martin W.
Courage to Dream: Tales of Hope in the Holocaust / Shusterman, Neal
Gleanings: Stories from the Arc of a Scythe / Shusterman, Neal
What It’s Like to Be a Bird / Sibley, David Allen
The Book of Radical Answers / Taylor, Sonya Renee
Hell Followed with Us / White, Andrew Joseph
Remember Us / Woodson, Jacqueline
The Bodyguard Unit: Edith Garrud / Xavier, Clement